Le petit CINQ at the Boutique Hotel ESPLANADE Saarbrücken

Welcome to Le petit CINQ, the new, second restaurant at the Boutique Hotel ESPLANADE Saarbrücken! Here, purist internationality meets the joy of seasonal delights, and classic cuisine is refreshingly reinterpreted. The newly appointed Head Chef David Wottke, a longtime Cuisinier of our two-star restaurant, embodies a relaxed yet sensuous aromatic cuisine with personal touches. His dishes appeal to both heart and soul, being modern and timeless at once: "Soulfood" in the best sense. It’s not the flawless aesthetics but the products themselves, their creative processing, and the unique culinary experience that are at the heart of David Wottke's culinary art. With playful sophistication and great experimental zeal, the 26-year-old creates weekly changing dishes that continuously surprise and delight guests.

Ambitious and courageous, David Wottke consciously embraces creative challenges at Le petit CINQ. Guests can not only choose between a newly composed 3- or 4-course menu each week but also enjoy these in vegetarian versions. With unconventional ideas and the highest standards, the Head Chef creates a vegetarian alternative for each course, which matches the flavor profile of its non-vegetarian counterpart. Often, the comparison between the menus and their vegetarian versions sparks lively conversations among guests.

Like the two-star restaurant ESPLANADE, Le petit CINQ is committed to the shared philosophy of sustainable culinary culture based on the use of regional products from our own biodynamic agriculture. Culinary creativity, love for the homeland, and sustainable values harmoniously come together here.

Le petit CINQ welcomes its guests from Sunday to Tuesday.

Menu de la semaine

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday
At noon from 12.00 p.m. |  In the evening from 6.30 p.m.

15.09. – 17.09.

Wachtelei / Brotchip

Risotto von Risoni


Zucchini / Tomate / Parmesanschaum

Bäckchen vom Iberico Schwein

Couscous / Balsamico Schalotten / Thymianjus

Crème Brulée von Madagaskar Vanille
Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Variation von der Gurke

Wasabi / Dillöl

Risotto von Risoni


Zucchini / Tomate / Parmesanschaum

Flan von Waldpilzen

Couscous / Balsamico Schalotten / Trüffelschaum

Crème Brulée von Madagaskar Vanille
Petit Four
06.10. – 08.10.
Variation von der roten Bete

Räucherforelle / Crème Fraîche

Cappuccino von der Kartoffel


Lauch / Pilzschaum

Ragôut vom Kaninchen

Hausgemachte Pasta / Wirsing / Trüffelschaum

Zweierlei von Brownie und exotischen Früchten

Jivaraschaum / Passionsfrucht

Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Variation von der roten Bete

Crème Fraîche / Petersilienöl

Cappuccino von der Kartoffel


Lauch / Pilzschaum

Hausgemachte Pasta

Herbsttrüffel / Wirsing / Trüffelschaum

Zweierlei von Brownie und exotischen Früchten

Jivaraschaum / Passionsfrucht

Petit Four
13.10. – 15.10.
Geflämmte Makrele

Blumenkohl in Texturen / Kräutersalat



Reisbällchen / Parmesanschaum

Confierte Entenkeule

Rotkohl / Schneebällchen / Buchenpilz

Tarte von der Bergamotte

Vanilleeis / Crème Fraîche

Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Variation vom Blumenkohl

Wachtelei / Kräutersalat



Reisbällchen / Parmesanschaum


Trüffelwolle / Pilzrahm / Rotkohl

Tarte von der Bergamotte

Vanilleeis / Crème Fraîche

Petit Four
20.10. – 22.10.
Tatar vom Kalb

Rote Bete / Schalotten / Graubrot



Spinat vom Stadtbauernhof / Nussbutterschaum

Krosse Tranche vom Wolfsbarsch

Artischocke / Balsamico Vinaigrette

Interpretation von Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Tatar von der roten Bete

Schalotten / Graubrot



Spinat vom Stadtbauernhof / Nussbutterschaum

Gratinierte Artischocke

Ratatouille / Parmesan / Balsamico Vinaigrette

Interpretation von Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Petit Four
27.10. – 29.10.
Quiche Lorraine

Speckchip / Feldsalat

Dim Sum von der Garnele


Asiatisches Gemüse / Thaicurryschaum

Krosser Schweinebauch

Spitzkohl / Buchenpilze / Senfjus

Duett von Apfel und Cheesecake

Elstar / Zimt / Crumble

Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Quiche Lorraine

Crème Fraîche / Feldsalat

Glasierter Kräuterseitling


Asiatisches Gemüse / Thaicurryschaum

Crottin de Chavignol

Spitzkohl / Buchenpilze / Schnittlauchschaum

Duett von Apfel und Cheesecake

Elstar / Zimt / Crumble

Petit Four
02.11. – 05.11.
Geflämmte Tranche vom gebeizten Wildlachs

Gurke vom Stadtbauernhof / Crème Fraîche

Gnocchi Sardi


Herbsttrüffel / Lauch / Trüffelschaum

Gebratener Lammrücken

Kräuterkruste / Rosmarinkartoffel / Silberzwiebel

Küchlein von Valrhona Schokolade

Eingelegte Ananas / Salzkaramelleis

Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Variation von der Gurke

Crème Fraîche / Dillöl

Gnocchi Sardi


Herbsttrüffel / Lauch / Trüffelschaum

Gefüllte Zucchini

Rosmarinkartoffel / Silberzwiebel / Parmesan

Küchlein von Valrhona Schokolade

Eingelegte Ananas / Salzkaramelleis

Petit Four
10.11. – 12.11.
Geeiste Vichyssoise

Goldforellenkaviar / Estragonöl

Gebratene Jakobsmuschel


Lauch / Beurre Blanc

Geschmortes Ochsenbäckchen

Rosenkohl / Kartoffelmousseline / Schmorjus

Dekonstruierte „Birne Helene“

Williams Christ Birne / Valrhona Schokolade

Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Geeiste Vichyssoise

Crôutons / Estragonessig

Gedämpfter Waldpilzflan


Lauch / Beurre Blanc

Gebratener Serviettenknödel

Rosenkohl / Schnittlauchschaum

Dekonstruierte „Birne Helene“

Williams Christ Birne / Valrhona Schokolade

Petit Four
17.11. – 19.11.
Tatar vom Reh

Rote Bete / Liebstöckel / Meerrettich



Miesmuschel / Fenchel

Gebratenes US Flanksteak

Variation von der Karotte / Miso / Chilijus

Crème Caramel

Cassissorbet / Crumble

Petit Four
Vegetarische Variante
Tatar von der roten Bete

Liebstöckel / Meerrettich



Pinienkerne / Petersilienöl

Geflämmte Miso Aubergine

Variation von der Karotte / Balsamico Vinaigrette

Crème Caramel

Cassissorbet / Crumble

Petit Four
Previous slide
Next slide
Menu 69

(3 courses

Menu 87

(4 courses)

Business hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday
At noon from 12.00 p.m. |  In the evening from 6.30 p.m.


Saturday 10.08., Saturday 17.08., Saturday 02.11.
At noon from 12.00 p.m. |  In the evening from 6.30 p.m.

Restaurant holidays:

18.09.2024 – 04.10.2024

Sunday, 06.10.2024
open again

20.11.2024 – 29.11.2024

Sunday, 01.12.2024
open again


Reserve your table by phone, e-mail, online or WhatsApp.

David Wottke – Head Chef

Before David Wottke, born in 1998, took on the role of Head Chef at Le petit CINQ, he spent seven years as a Cuisinier at our two-star restaurant ESPLANADE, working alongside his long-time mentor Silio Del Fabro. David Wottke shares with the Chef de Cuisine and culinary director of the entire ESPLANADE the courage to explore new paths, a passion for regional products, and the highest standards for product quality. Additional commonalities include a love for the subtle cuisine of Japan, which serves as an important source of inspiration for both, and an unpretentious, honest, modern leadership style based on a harmonious and friendly kitchen atmosphere that is ambitious yet always warm. David Wottke's exceptional talent earned him the trust of his mentor early on, and since the beginning of his training, he has filled the role of Cuisinier alongside Silio Del Fabro. His appointment as Head Chef of Le petit CINQ also reflects the personal appreciation of his mentor Silio Del Fabro.

Logo and Name

The number “Cinq” is derived from the house number of the Boutique Hotel ESPLANADE Saarbrücken, where Le petit CINQ is located. The lettering “CINQ” intentionally breaks the rectangular frame – a nod to the floor plan of the Wilhelminian building – and suggests a deliberate departure from conventions to create new taste experiences. “Le petit” refers to the upscale yet casual bistro character, which is reflected in the casual, flowing handwriting that corresponds with David Wottke’s cooking style. The modified letter “N” in the “CINQ” logo symbolizes confidence and the freedom to be different, as well as the courage to pursue unique culinary paths and continually discover and create new things. The French spelling of the entire name emphasizes the proximity to France and the many guests from the neighboring country.